Still loving the Scandinavian blogs I visit regularly, and thanks to your additions to my previous list, now I have lots more. Enough to take another tour!
Firstly, I must mention a couple of Scandinavian blogs which have been among my favorites for a looong time, but left off the first list. One is of course yvestown, which thankfully is in English, otherwise I would be forced to keep systran busy translating every post! And also posidriv sin lille blog which who knows how I left that one off.
But this post is about new places to explore, so let me introduce you to...
coeur de beurre: (oops, this one is French... um... side trip)
Oh dear, there are still more and this post is already way too long!
Whew!!! That should keep y'all busy and out of trouble for a while. No doubt I have still omitted some fantastic ones, but my head is spinning and the artwork that's due this week isn't going to finish (Finnish?) itself. So it's back to the drawing board for me!