Thanks everyone for the attagirls and pledges of support concerning the Orphan Works issue. It felt great to put that out there and get such a great response, both in the comments section and my inbox. Y'all rock.
Now I'm going to transform that boost of energy into a scheme to rev up my creative mojo! I'm going to do a Post a Day in May! (and it even rhymes!) I tried valiantly last November to participate in NoBloPoMo but got as far as the 17th and realized it was one of the worst ideas ever to attempt that in November. But while I was able to keep with it I really loved the pace and rhythm that happened. It got those creative juices flowing and removed the angst of what to post since there would be another one the next day. Plus, I guess I'm a deadline-driven kinda gal anyways. So... May seems like a doable month for me now that I'm beyond the major kid-wrangling years. No science fair projects or ballet recitals to deal with! (hmmm maybe that's why I have the itch to commit to this)
So I'm not even going to scrounge a jpeg to throw onto the top of this post, I'll set my sights on tomorrow!
Hey, if you want to join in, feel free! Maybe I'll do a little graphic thingie and a sidebar list just for that. Let me know in a comment and I'll see what I can put together. In fact, I will definitely do a graphic, and hopefully post it this afternoon! Wait, its a post a day, not two... is that legal?
So. A post a day in May. Okay?