Sometime I think the sub-title of this blog should be "so many projects... so little time!" because it feels like I can never fit it all into my day. Mainly I get less done than I would like because of disorganization.
On my desk, there is usually a scattering of various pads and pages torn from pads scribbled with lists for ideas, errands and random things I don't want to forget. To speak plainly... this system does. not. work. I thought maybe a new strategy was in order, involving a cute and orderly list that is clearly displayed and up off the desktop. So I designed a cute to do list in my favorite colors...
Maybe you would like to print some for yourself? If so, just click here to download the pdf. The image prints laterally on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper (tip - if you use index card stock it will feel even more substantial). After printing, you simply trim off a quarter inch on either end, then cut into three 3 1/2" wide strips.
To display my list where I can check it easily, I simply strung a length of string across a shelf near my desk, and used my favorite teen tiny clothespins to attach my list. Now I can't miss it, and my desk is much more tidy! You could also pin it on a bulletin board, or use a magnet to hang on the fridge.
Let me know if this idea helps you get organized!
ps - I know you're curious about the photos in my last post. The top one was taken with my Nikon D-40 (aka fancy-pants) and the bottom one with Ro's point-and-shoot. What surprised me was that it really was difficult to tell which was which. The pics in this post are both with the Nikon, but they needed some help in Photoshop before they were blog-worthy.