Tada! This is what I needed the artificial snow for! It's a new free pattern from me to you for making Festive Felt Christmas Trees! Links to the full-size pdf patterns are at the end of this post. The actual patern is two pages, but this is basically what you'll get:
These are super-easy to stitch together by hand. I made a bunch of these while watching the Rangers in the World Series. Having something to do with my hands helped keep me from chewing off my fingernails. But I digress...
Here's the how-to scoop. You will print the numbered pattern pieces and use them to cut out your felt. I used my scallop pinking shears to cut the bottom of each arc, but regular pinked or smooth cut would look cute, too.
You will be sewing the arcs together while flat, then sew the back seam to form the cone. Use the big pattern piece on page one as a guide for laying out your pieces and pinning together.
The pieces will overlap by about 1/4" inch.
Here it is all pinned and ready to stitch:
It's easy to nestle a small stitch in each scallop. I love my scallop shears. I don't think they sell them in shops any more, I had to find these on ebay.
After stitching all the arcs together, fold in half with wrong sides together, so the sides meet and form the back seam (if you first fold the tippy end of the treetop in a bit that will help it look tidier). Whip stitch along the back seam. Then wriggle the pieces until the back is nice and flat.
I was going to include a round pattern piece for the base, but truthfully you don't need to bother. The felt tree stands up just fine on its own, and it will be much easier to store flat. If you've used thin felt, you could lightly stuff them with some polyfill to keep them filled out, and then remove it for storage.
And here's the fun part... you can make different sizes by leaving off some of the arcs! As you see in the first photo, I made three in various colors and sizes, and for the photoshoot I added shiny pins just for that extra bit of bling! And then I made a pink and red one just for fun:
Click here to download the pdf for page one of the Festive Felt Tree pattern, and here for page two. Please let me know if you run into any problems. You'll need Adobe Reader to view and print this. If you don't have that on your computer, you can downoad it for free here.
I hope you enjoy making some of these fuzzy little fir-guys... they really are super-cute. Be sure to let me know if you do, and let's see some pics!
ps - See a swirly variation on this pattern -->here<--!