I am so scattered these days! Between packing away Christmas and fighting off a weird stomach thing, I haven't managed to keep up with my grand plans for January dot projects. Finally today I have something for your crafting pleasure! It's a printable of... dots! Circles actually, with fun designs on them. I printed and cut out 160 of these last night, and am strategizing how to use them. A mobile? Garland? Cupcake toppers? Too many ideas! Trust me, they are really cute printed and cut out. Click here to download the pdf. And, like my other freebies, this is for personal use only. Don't make me put the craft-whammy on you! ;o)
It's clear I was inspired by Happy's decorating palette while working on these, especially this photograph of her dresser. In fact, maybe I'll do a new arrangement in my (now-empty) white dresser in a similar palette. I've seen some super-cute garlands made with dots stitched on the sewing machine, or glued onto ribbon, maybe I'll try that. What do you think?
Once I've decided what to do, I'll be sure to share photos. Now I know what I'll be working on this weekend!
Cheers, have a good great one!
ps - I've had a few people tell me they can't get the file to download. I am so sorry, I'm not sure what the problem could be. If you have any trouble, just leave a comment about it and I'll be happy to email you the pdf!