Yum! Let's spend some quality time, shall we? I can't think of a better way to pass the afternoon than drooling over images featuring my colors of the month... red and aqua! These were all found through Pinterest, my current crush as mentioned in my previous post. I had to follow some of these back to find the original source. One of the things I like about Pinterest is that it does a great job of linking directly back to the source site, much better than tumblr, the other image pinning site. I was in love with tumblr until I realized how easily images could become orphaned from their true origin. Pinterest is set up to avoid that (unless an image is "pinned" from a tumblr feed, thus negating the advantage). So clicking on the images in this post will link you directly to the source. Here we go!
And that brings my tasty tour to a close. Who knew red and aqua could be so satisfying?
Have a wonderful weekend my friends! Cheers,