It's time for my annual Allsorts review! For 2011 I tried something new... creating different 'themes' for each month. The idea was each month's theme would be a creative 'jumping-off' point, but in the end, some themes were more inspirational than others. Also, I wasn't always ready to leave one theme when the calendar rolled over the next month. But I explored some new directions creatively, and I felt continually motivated to produce at least one theme-related project. Here's a look back on the projects and whatnot from 2011...
January ~ DOTS ~ A printable for Lots-O-Dots and pattern for a Fluffy Stuffy Bunny.
February - SWEET HEARTS -A printable paper Valentine angel, a dress for the bunny stuffie, and some sweetheart iPhone wallpaper.
March - WEE FOLK -A mini-bunting printable, plus an update for Bunnyfur's dress up.
April - BUNNIES - My first interactive book app came out, and I had a paper-doll giveaway.
May - MAY FLOWERS -interactive book #2, and I shared a To-Do list printable.
June - RED & AQUA -My third (and favorite) interactive book came out, and I added personalized Bride Angels to my etsy shop.
July - LOVE LETTERS - No projects, unless you count the graphic for the theme (lol).
August - CHERRIES - Also no projects, this is when the remodeling started to get underway, and it really put a crimp in my creative process.
September - HOME MADE - See August.
October - HALLOWEEN - I did better in October, with another interactive book, some printable Halloween dots, and some Halloweeny iPhone wallpapers.
November/December - SANTA'S WORKSHOP - Along with recapping many of my previous Christmas projects and freebies, I was able to post some Holiday/Scotty wallpapers, Elfie To-Do list and Starry Angel printables. Big finish!
Okay, so maybe I went a bit overboard on the iPhone wallpapers, and the books for iPad, I can see that now. Not everyone has either of those, so that was kind of unfair. And there were nowhere near enough stitching/sewing projects. I totally blame the remodeling for that (bad remodeling!). I found that I couldn't sit still long enough to focus on stitching anything, so most of my accomplishments were of the digital kind. I will do my best to remedy that in the coming year!
So, that's a wrap. Onward and upward into the New Year! I'd like to get back into quilting now that I've got the space for it, as well as pick my crochet up again. And I have tons of ideas for softies and even a dolly or two! My fingers are itching to get started. We still have Phase Two of the remodeling to get through, but I am determined to forge ahead with my ideas! So what would you like to see from Allsorts in 2012?