Another tada! This is my attempt at restyling the shallow shelves in my sitting room nook, Version One. It's very similar in vibe to the coffee table I showed in my last post. But I wasn't entirely happy with the result. It just seemed kind of cluttery, and the colors didn't excite me. Also, my eye kept being drawn to the structure of the shelves. So on a whim, I added some red gingham shelf edging and next thing I knew, the shelves looked like this:
Two rather different looks, wouldn't you say? I like the bright graphic quality of Version Two, but it has more of a vintage kitcheny vibe. Version One has more of a reading room/library vibe, but is less colorful and graphic. Hmmm... Here is the before pic again, which gives context to the shelves in their little nook:
I need to pick one before I tackle redoing the other shelves, and I'm on the fence... I just cannot decide. Which one do you prefer?